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Driving Under the Influence (DUI) 

At the Law Office of Robert Landheer, we understand the serious implications of being charged with a DUI or drunk driving in California. Our experienced legal team can provide you with the best possible defense and the best chance of a favorable outcome. 

We provide a comprehensive defense strategy that includes a thorough analysis of the evidence and a deep understanding of the legal process. We are dedicated to protecting your rights and preserving your freedom. Give us a call today to discuss your case and learn more about how we can help. 

Fight Your DUI

Just because you were arrested for a DUI, does NOT mean you are automatically guilty. Driving while intoxicated can carry serious repercussions after conviction. The Law Office of Robert F. Landheer has defended drunk driving cases for almost 40 years. Whether you were arrested for driving under the influence of prescription medications, drugs or alcohol, we are ready to defend your case.


Even first-time drunk drivers are penalized harshly for their violation including license suspension, jail time, mandatory programs, high fines, interlock device assignments and more. Call the Law Office of Robert F. Landheer today to schedule a consultation.

Help you keep your driving license privileges & deal with the DMV 

DMV hearing are administrative hearings that are conducted by a DMV officer. A lawyer can appear on your behalf at these hearings to save your license or get a restricted license while your case is pending. 

Help you keep your driving license privileges & deal with the DMV 

DMV hearing are administrative hearings that are conducted by a DMV officer. A lawyer can appear on your behalf at these hearings to save your license or get a restricted license while your case is pending. 

  • Will I lose my license if I am convicted?
    Yes, but you may be entitled to a restricted license. Our offices will help you navigate the court and DMV license consequences.
  • What is expungement?
    Is an application to the court to have your conviction set aside and dismissed. Our office can assist you in completing and submitting the application.
  • Do I have to tell the officer I have been drinking if I am stopped?
    No. If you tell an officer that you have been drinking, he will ask you to do field sobriety tests.
  • After I am arrested, how can I save my license?
    If you are arrested for a DUI, you will be issued a temporary license. This permits you to drive for 30 days and then your license will be automatically suspended by the DMV. However, you are entitled to an administrative DMV hearing to fight that automatic suspension. You must request the DMV hearing within 10 days from the time of issuance of the temporary license. If you prevail at that hearing your license will not be automatically suspended by the DMV. Our offices regularly conduct these hearings as part of our representation of DUI cases.
  • Can I be arrested for driving under the influence after 1 drink?
    Yes. If you are under 21, it is a crime to drive with any amount of alcohol in your system. Yes. If you are on probation for another DUI.
  • What are the fines I will incur?
    Fines are approximately $1,800-$1,900 or more, including court fees. You may be able to work off your fine by completing commuting work service (CWS) hours.
  • If I am convicted, will I have to go to jail?
    If you are a 1st time offender, most likely you will be put on probation for 3 years and not have to serve any jail time. If you are a repeat offender you may be put on probation but have to serve some jail time. However, you may be able to do the Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program (SWAP) and/or home arrest to avoid actually going to jail.

Things to Keep in Mind

What are your legal rights if you are stopped by a peace officer on suspicion of drunk driving:

  • You must provide your license and proof of insurance when asked by a police officer.

  • You can not call your attorney when you are being investigated for suspicion of drunk driving.

  • You can refuse to take the field sobriety tests, which often involve walking a straight line or standing on one foot and others.

  • You can also refuse to do the preliminary alcohol screening test (PAS).

  • You may not refuse to take the evidential blood or breath test when asked to do so.
    The consequences of refusal to take the evidential tests an automatic 1 year suspended license.

California DUI Defined

It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with any of the following blood alcohol concentration (BAC) percentages:

  • 0.08% or higher― 21 years old or older operating a regular passenger vehicle.

  • 0.04% or higher―operating a commercial vehicle.

  • 0.01% or higher―younger than 21 years old.

When to Hire a DUI Attorney

Most defendants must appear in court. A criminal defense attorney can:

  • Appear at most hearings on your behalf.

  • Help navigate your penalties.

  • Review and analyze the evidence against you.

  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your case

  • File motions with the court to exclude the evidence of breath or blood test results.

  • Negotiate with the D.A. on your behalf

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